Chiropractic Manipulation in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Chiropractic Manipulation  in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Valente R, Gibson H

Department of Chiropractic Principles and Practice,
Cleveland Chiropractic College and Clinic,
Kansas City, MO

OBJECTIVE:   To determine if chiropractic manipulation could relieve carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).

CLINICAL FEATURES:   A 42-yr-old female suffered from pain, tingling and numbness in the right wrist. Paresthesia along the C6 dermatome, a positive Phalen’s test and Tinel’s sign was present. EMG testing confirmed the clinical diagnosis of CTS.

INTERVENTION AND OUTCOME:   Chiropractic manipulations were rendered 3 times per week for 4 wk, to the subject’s cervical spine, right elbow and wrist using a low amplitude, short lever, low force, high velocity thrust. Significant increase in grip strength and normalization of motor and sensory latencies were noted. Orthopedic tests were negative. Symptoms dissipated.

CONCLUSION:   In this case study, chiropractic made a demonstrable difference through objective and subjective outcomes. Further investigations using double-blind, cross-over designs with larger samples are warranted.